Tiếng anh

Unit 9 Lớp 12: Reading (Trang 50-51 SGK Tiếng Anh Sách Mới)

a. For those going to university

b. For those who have no plans

c. For those going to be apprentices

d. For those going to be apprentices d. For those about to start a job

In the UK, there are some websites that provide school students with practical advice about leaving school and taking the next step in their careers. The following are some examples:


If students are about to start a job, career advisers have useful information that may help them make the transition into the working world smoother. They should get used to taking responsibility if something goes wrong in their job. By taking responsibility, they will have the opportunity to learn how to put things right and they can avoid making the same mistakes in the future.

2. _________________

In general, apprentices are assigned to a senior member of staff to spend some time shadowing them and getting to grips with the basics of the job. If apprentices are given the opportunity to get involved early on, they should take it, as this will help them learn faster and improve their confidence. The best thing for apprentices is that they have the opportunity to earn while they learn, and most apprentices are required to attend college for part of the time.

3. _________________

Moving straight to tertiary education from secondary school is considered a big jump. However, many students take to university life like a duck to water. Normally, the first week at university is a bit confusing, even a little stressful, but it does not take long to get used to university life. During the first week, students have their timetables and other paperwork sorted. After that they can relax and take in the campus atmosphere.


When students do not know what they want to do after leaving school, they could consider some other options, which the advisers can offer. They can find a temporary job, or take a gap year and go travelling; they may work somewhere abroad, or speak to career advisers who can help them come up with a plan. If none of these options are successful, students should go back to school. They can still be accepted on to A level courses if they have GCSEs.

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Tiến Đạt

Tiến Đạt - Founder của Hdcit.edu.vn đã tích luỹ hơn 5 năm quý báu hoạt động trong lĩnh vực Tài Chính - Ngân Hàng. Mình sẵn sàng lan tỏa những kiến thức và kinh nghiệm sâu sắc mà mình đã gom góp được, đem đến cho bạn những thông tin hữu ích và giá trị thiết thực.
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